In anticipation of my mother's 79th birthday in 1997, I asked her a few months…
Reentry: A Done Deal, Part II

In any endeavor with an element of risk, positive omens along the way can ease the mind and validate the heart. For most of us, even if well prepared, even if we like to feel ourselves beyond the scope of criticism, the armor sometimes fatigues and leaves us ever-so-slightly vulnerable to the voices from our doubting sides. So when along our bumpy paths we encounter signs of validation, even “YOU ARE HERE” can be reassuring. (Always better than the alternative…or something worse, like “Who do you think you are?”) These are not generally the aspects of ourselves we want others to know. On the other hand, acknowledgment that they exist may provide the target at which to fling the rock and be done with it.
Some of us can fixate on the unlikeliest indicators or charms to see us through, perhaps elevate us to an unprecedented level, or explain a performance. Years ago, I remember my mother telling about a tennis pal of hers (apparently never much of a player) who all of a sudden was manifesting remarkable skill on the court. When someone asked her how it was that she was having such an exceptional day, she said, “You know, I think it’s these new socks.” That game was her best ever, apparently. Mom suspected there were a couple of women who went shopping shortly thereafter. Maybe they all played really well the next time!
Friday night, into about my third song, I was nearing the end of playing Paul McCartney’s “Blackbird,” when I heard a little chirp just above me. As I finished the last part of the chord progression, I looked up and saw this little bird perched on a section of rope lighting. I hadn’t noticed it before, so seeing it then did feel like somewhat of an omen, given the timing; at the very least, a contented companion to share my space. Sarah sent in this picture of him so you can see, too. He stayed for the whole show!
Way beyond omens, the presence of friends, old and new, provided such welcome support, which means more than I can say. I’m so grateful to you for including hearing me in your evening plans. One woman, who’d bought a disc of mine over a year ago and had never met or seen me, came to listen with a bunch of her friends. They had gone to the Pantry last July for my show, but found a man with a guitar there who didn’t look a bit like me. I so appreciate that she watched for me to emerge again, and then made another trip up the pass, this one more fruitful than the last. To my singing friends and those from my teaching experiences who came, I’ve really been so touched by recalling your presence there. Thank you.
With that, reentry is complete and fully processed! Onward!
Annie, you are awesome. You are the one that inspired me to play guitar! You broke your wrist and are still playing on your guitar like a professional and you are a professional. I can’t wait to see you at coons!!!