In anticipation of my mother's 79th birthday in 1997, I asked her a few months…
June 14, 2010
ACROSS TIME, the title of my new album, originated from a cut off the disc that was inspired by time spent at a camp reunion. During that magical weekend, treasured parts of my past were rekindled through reminiscences with dear old friends. How sweet that connections can be reestablished with such little effort…like turning to a dog-eared page in a favorite book. I recognized how bonds can be built between people from multiple generations through common culture and experience–especially time spent out in nature–though not necessarily at the same time. What I gained from my reconnection with friends of my own era was that I like being the person they remembered. Not that I’d ever strayed all that far, but we all make choices along our paths that define us, and some lead right back to where we started; not regressive, but rather a return to roots. Following that experience, the rest of the album’s contents fell into place fairly easily. Time, and its passing, became a thread. I mostly played the acoustic guitar because its warmth is still inspiring and comforting to me after all these years, but as I mentioned earlier, I also added a few pieces I wrote on the piano, allowing a new twist on an old voice to emerge. Although I am still a beginner, exploring the keyboard has taught me a greater understanding of music theory and has provided a different musical tool on which to generate melodies and moods. The “roots” recognition prompted me to rethink the concept of folk music and what that really means. To me, it’s melodic music from the heart, about the ordinary or extraordinary. For some, that may conjure up a negative image, but I’ve decided to embrace it…It’s what I do…”MY NAME IS ANNIE, AND I’VE BEEN A FOLK SINGER FOR 45 YEARS.” There. I’ve come out. I would like to thank my long-term friends for the inspiration to create this music. (You know who you are: camp people, teaching buddies, and music pals.)
Thanks especially to “Good Call, Paul” (Schwotzer) for utilizing his incredible skills/talents and generous spirit in all aspects of this creation, including pushing me to do more. Parting thought: good things come from red shoes.